The Party: January 31, 2001
Bowling trophies awarded.

Grand Prize Winner: Alien Cereal Abduction
By Sharman and Erin
It was a fine clear night in January. Nobody could imagine the horrors that lay ahead. Andy was aboard Seven Bells engaging in birthday festivities on his way to his party ashore. He had been complaining of seeing strange yet beautiful lights. The party continued at even more frenetic pace. The raucous bacchanal unwittingly attracted the attention of non-terrestrial onlookers from above.
The curiosity of those overhead was piqued when a large pink saucer-like object was carried on deck. This curiosity quickly turned to alarm, as this saucer was set "ablaze" (how else could you describe so many flaming candles atop such a petite gateau?). The onlookers went into standby alert; it looked like trouble down there, but they would wait for a sign, a cry for help, before interfering. They were soon to receive it. Suddenly as the blazing gateau was placed before Andy, a strange, disharmonious, yet powerful caterwauling erupted. The onlookers recognized this atonal howling as the distinct cry for help of the residents of the planet Epticon. What in the universe Epticonians were doing on planet Earth, the onlookers couldn’t imagine. Nonetheless, they required rescuing, along with all those nicely wrapped packages.
The onlookers fired up their Super Schlookerbeam and turned it on to maximum suction. Up, up, up went the presents, the refreshments, and the revelers. Andy made a last ditch effort to save himself and the Seven Bells from certain abduction by revving the diesels up to super turbo speed (of course that existed in those 1929 models) and beached her safely ashore, narrowly missing two camping nudists (who quickly headed for the hills upon hearing Andy’s hysterical rambling about "beam me up Scotty" type shenanigans).
And so this is how it comes to be that Andy is with us now. A word to the wise: if he starts gabbling about those pretty lights (or nudism) again.